Thursday, April 6, 2017

Fun: Remember Why We Read

Saw another book read competition again. On top of the promotion of a free book, if you write a review. And then another post on Goodreads that you are getting behind in your challenge. Checking another book page on social media, reading about someone who has already read 36 books in three months. And another asking if children's books count in reading, and what about audio. I have a radical idea. Whatever happened to reading just for the fun of it? I don't mean to disparage these examples, but I always wonder if we are missing the true essence of reading, whether for knowledge or for escape, but hopefully always for pleasure. When I read these posts, and maybe I'm the only one, or maybe I represent many others in their views, I feel slighted. Maybe I'm not reading enough, or not reading the right books. Maybe I'm missing out, and maybe it's just better not to read at all, especially if it's going to be a competition. While I know some do prescribe to the challenge approach, and I'm competitive myself, I find reading is separate from reality. That I read to escape reality, actually. While I would never criticize others on their premise or approaches to reading, for myself, I plan on continuing to find books that intrigue me. Books that pique my curiosity. Even books that I just can't live with out. And I plan on savoring every page even if it takes another day, week, or month. Even if I need to set it down for a moment, with the idea that I shall get back to it, and I don't for whatever reason. That's okay.  And that also goes for the books that just aren't working for me for whatever reason. I know there are those that will finish it, because it's there, but as the adage goes, "Life's too short to be spent on bad books!" So here's to the readers of all stripes, and interests, and passions, and environments. Whether it's for a competition or a free book, or the challenge, or the possibility of the solace during that moment of time - please remember why we became avid readers in the first place, and have some fun! The world will wait, even if sometimes we feel we can't....


  1. I could so relate with this! When I started reviewing books on my blog, I got so many crappy books for reviewing that it totally put me off reading! I have become more selective in accepting books for reviewing now, but you're right... the 'fun' is missing somewhere.
    Happy AtoZing!
    Chicky @

  2. Different people have different ideas of fun, I guess. I savour what is worth savouring eg current classic read is The Count of Monte Cristo, and scoff down, or even spit out what is not. I'm a eclectic reader so my selections are invariably a little hit and miss in terms of 'fun' or not.
    btw I can no longer resist commenting on your no paragraphs posts...I don't like it. Probably won't stop[ me reading though. Probably.

    1. Thank you! When I write these, they are in paragraph form - even when I copy and paste from my notepad program - when they publish, the paragraph format disappears - I'll work on it - thanks!

  3. Another refreshingly genuine post. Really, it is so much fun to just read the books that ignite our minds!!!! Unfortunately, I guess, many in today's world don't get that basic point right.

  4. Thank you! I agree wholeheartedly.....

  5. I'm finding reading and writing less fun these days but I'm trying to get back into it again
