Sunday, April 2, 2017

Baseball and Books:My Connections to the Past

They say there's nothing more American than baseball, hotdogs, and apple pie - throw in books, and I'm all set. On this opening day of 2017, with my favorite National League team, the World Series Champions, Chicago Cubs (who ever thought we'd be saying that?) playing today, it's appropriate for the B challenge to be about baseball and books and how their connection has inspired me through my lifetime. Growing up, I've always had an affinity to completion and collegiality. I loved getting together with friends, play a little baseball, and hopefully beat them before they had a chance to beat us. There was a ballpark in Oak Hill, which was a magnet for all the neighborhood kids to gather, to joke, have fun, and most importantly play baseball. And no matter what the result, we'd be back together the next day. In school, whenever they had a writing assignment, I'd always to work in my love for baseball. I'd go to the library, and gather books and articles about my favorite players. Two at the top of the list were Hank Greenberg (because he played first base like me) and Ty Cobb (because he was the most competitive player I had ever read about, and that inspired me) - that both were Detroit Tigers, being my favorite American League team, had a lot to do with it! During the summer when I was outside doing chores, I always had the radio on, or the TV inside, listening to George Kell and Ernie Harwell give the play by play. Late night west coast games were the times when I had my little transistor radio on under the blankets, enjoying the exploits of Al Kaline, Norm Cash, and John Wockenfuss (that name used to drive my mom crazy, as she'd always say, "Is Wockenfuss always at bat?" Of course this became a gateway to reading as I learned everything about the players through the papers while checking the line scores, and their bios when they came out - Greenberg's and Cobb's are still two of my favorite bio reads in any genre. I learned about the intricacies of the stats after reading Bill James Abstracts which I bought every year without fail. I'd join rotisserie/fantasy leagues and pick my favorite players so I felt even more involved in my fandom. Of course, I played ball, moving up through the ranks and leagues: little league, bronco league, pony league, and American Legion ball. I played in high school, slo-pitch and fast-pitch softball, church league and even had a short stint in college until I blew out my knee, knowing I'd have to continue my passion for the sport off the field. Today, I still watch, and listen and read everything about my favorite teams. I've been to many games featuring the Tigers, the Cubs (who ignited my passion when the cable channel WGN was first available), and the Braves (where my interest increased when the cable channel WTBS arrived). We've seen games where there were virtually no one there as my favorites were dwelling in last place, and other times, when the parks were packed in the middle of pennant races. So I'd arrive each time with my wife (and later my son, and then his wife, and soon, my grandsons), whether regular season or Spring Training, buy a program, grab a pencil, pick up a hotdog and cold beverage, and let the experience wash over me, bringing back all of those childhood memories from so long ago, yet in an instant, along side of me. And then after the season, I'd buy the book which recapped the season, or decade or player, or even history of the team, and relive it all over again. So the next time you go to a game, look for me. I'm saving you a seat. Play ball!!!


  1. Great post. Very American if you don't mind me saying. I loved it, even though I've never been to a game and no none of the players you mention, you really created the atmosphere and made me long for a hotdog and coke and a game of ball. Greetings from Dublin, Ireland. ;)

    1. Thank you so much - Ireland is on my bucket list - must visit St. James Gate before I go.......

  2. Your passion for the game is evident in your write up. Very well written.

    1. Thank you - this is fun - and it keeps me on a schedule....

  3. ANDDDD I just realised that I wrote my comment in the subscription box. Can I blame the fact that I am tired and computered out? I enjoyed reading your post, as the above commentor says, your passion for the game is evident in your well written piece. Me... I'm not a sports person and being Aussie, know little about baseball but it does sound like fun the way you write. All the best in the rest of the challenge.
    Ozzypip Quilts

    1. Thank you so much - I'm enjoying this - and a visit to Australia is one of my goals - have enjoyed the Rugby matches that are broadcast here - very entertaining!
