Sunday, May 7, 2017

Reflections for the A to Z Challenge

As all good things must come to an end, so it is with the A to Z Blogging challenge. But it's not goodbye but a continuation, a continuation of our themes as extensions of ourselves. During this process, my first, I've extended my passion of books. Whether as a bookstore owner, a teacher, and executive, a business owner, a traveler, and more, it's always revolved around books. Just as I've seen the best and the worst in the industry, I saw ebbs and flows in my interest passion, and application that have given my life great meaning. And whether it's clients, or customers or colleagues, or students, I've extended that interest to them. I'd like to believe it's helped each of them, but at least it gave them something to think about and try, even if the results weren't consistent.
In this process, not only did I learn from myself, whether through success or failure, I learned much about my cohorts in this process, whether through their comments on my blog, or from my visits to theirs. I learned how passionate each of them were, and how driven they were to tell the world about things that fascinated them. They opened up to an new, broader audience of different interests, and I could see the consilience in their writings and findings as I could link each blog to another and another, no matter where they were from, no matter what their experience, no matter what their goals were. And I was was honored, and excited, and humbled by them opening their doorways for all to see the good and something Ike's even bad within their pathways as they sought the truth, and understanding and acceptance and success. 
It was fascinating to network with so many talented individuals and it increased my drive, because I'll be honest, some of the letters were challenges, even though mine was about books, which are basically a reorganization of the alphabet in new and fascinating ways. But I persevered, and reading their works, and my own experiences helped me. The deadlines helped me. And most importantly, the challenge challenged me, all for the best.
While I've always been passionate about books, this as allowed me to open up by my passion. I know I will continue to post on my blog and on Facebook. Through this process, my followers are already over 600 members and counting. It's been fun. It's been consuming. It's been honest. But most important, it's been me, and I'm sure the other bloggers would agree. Thank you all, and as I continue to read your posts, I look forward to the challenge next year, as well as the completion of this foundation into a book I've always wanted write about books. Thank you and book on!!!


  1. Great reflections - it sounds like you have a fab experience with the challenge

  2. That's good mate. I'm glad you had a good time and learned a little. I enjoyed reading your posts. All the best.
