Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Arguments and Answers for the Flipped Classroom

“Do kids really need MORE screen time?” The only answer to this one is probably: LOL. I learned more from “screen time” than I ever did in school. Screen time is good, as Stephen Berlin Johnson argues in Everything Bad Is Good For You. Meanwhile–as the objection implies–kids are already spending tons of time in front of screens. Should they spend that time in front of Spongebob or in front of school lectures?
“Do kids really need MORE homework?” This is pretty amazing. This argument cites the absolutely correct point that homework doesn’t help kids. Need it be pointed out that the whole point of the flipped classroom is that it replaces homework? This is rather like saying that gasoline is bad for the environment as an argument against electric cars.
“The Digital Divide.” This is actually a reasonable argument. The flipped classroom model assumes that kids have access to internet access and internet-enabled devices, and this is not yet true for everyone, though it will increasingly get that way as prices go ever lower. That being said, it seems pretty obvious that if the political/social will to go to a flipped classroom model gets there, so will be the will to get devices and internet access to all those who need it. It’s also worth noting that the current education system does nothing to ameliorate socioeconomic stratification, indeed, worsens it.
”Who is getting rich?” It’s arguments like these that are so spurious that they leave one speechless. What a zero-sum, bitter mentality it requires! Who would refuse a solution to a serious problem if it also incidentally made someone they’re not sure they like potentially a bit richer? “Should students really have to sit through commercials to get an education?” Note the assumption that an advertising-driven business model for online lectures is necessary. Of course, the biggest producers of educational videos, like Khan Academy and Marginal Revolution University, are non-profits. This argument includes a YouTube logo, and it’s true that insofar as many of these videos (though by no means all, and by no means as a requirement) are hosted on YouTube, YouTube becomes more valuable for their being hosted there. And you know what else? If you train students at using computers, that probably makes Microsoft a bit more valuable, too. And get this: if you train students in math and science, they can get jobs at companies, and those companies will get more valuable!!! Where will it end???
“You can put lipstick on a pig, BUT…” This one is so staggering it is worth quoting in extenso: ”A pig is a pig. Teaching by video is based on a didactic, lecture based philosophy. Learning, however, is not simply a matter of passively sitting and absorbing information. Students need to find and critically assess their own resources. If all students are asked to do is consume recorded lectured [sic.], how will they ever become critical assessors of information?” This is kind of amazing. The whole idea of the flipped classroom model is to get rid of homework, which doesn’t work, and replace it with videos so that all classroom can be interactive. The way students “learn” today is by “passively sitting and absorbing (?) information.” Yes, if “all” students are asked to do is to watch lectures, we might not get very far (then again, there’s a strong argument that video lectures are still preferable to teacher lectures). But again, the whole point of the lectures is to enable much more hands-on teaching during the day. But again, what’s most striking here is the hidden assumptions. What is the “pig” here that is supposedly being applied lipstick? The “pig” is that kids naturally hate learning new things and that any attempt to get them to learn more betterer is doomed to fail. In my experience, most of the public school teachers I know, in their heart of hearts, after years of rough experience, believe this. But as Maria Montessori (and anyone who’s spent time with kids with an open mind) knew well, the opposite is true. With the right setting, kids love to learn. At bottom, any new classroom model is doomed to fail because teaching really doesn’t make any difference. This is what teachers’ unions say when they say that teacher accountability is futile because what matters to achievement is social conditions.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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