Monday, November 26, 2012

With apologies to Charles Dickens, this year has been the best of times, it's been the worst of times. From the worst end, while trying to keep up on everything that has been successful, I've also been in constant touch with my doctor, and the diagnoses have been everchanging. Starting back in the Spring, I've been fortunate or unfortunate to spend an inordinant amount of time in the hospital, used a human pincushion, and lab rat - have had many, many blood tests, and MRI, x-rays, and a lumbar puncture and while I've learned that my brain (my pride and joy) is getting older, much older than the rest of me - the doctor stated that it is 15 years older, so it would be retired (not as funny as you would think) due to not getting earlier blood pressure tests. I joke that it's like Beautiful Mind, without the beautiful mind. More tests, and more diagnoses - fibromyalgia, cervicogenic headaches, with being diagnosed as bipolar, which seems to stick, but doesn't explain the pain. Now the good news, with all of the negatives, a lot of positives have occurred as well - I've received an updated on the Gus Stavros Award for Excellence in Teaching, FTE award, Knowledge @Wharton recognition, MCSS award and election to the state board, MME award, and election to the state board, nominated for the Apple Distinguished Educator Award for North America, MAMSE presentation, MACUL presentation, Flipped Teaching presentation, Flipped Classroom International Open House Honor, Flipped Classroom Presentation for West, Flipped Classroom certification through Sophia, Financial Literacy nomination through Wharton, all while completing my third book - Everybody Teach! and completing my 10th degree, J.D through Novus University, while receiving several other teaching offers, but I couldn't imagine being anywhere but TC West Senior High School. So again, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times. And I wouldn't have it any other way! And thank all of you for your support as we fight the good fight!!

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