Friday, August 14, 2009

Book Obsessed

One of the reasons for this organization and website is the passion we have for collected knowledge - the books. We love the feel of a new book, waiting for it's essence to be discovered. We love wondering through old book stores, hoping to find that one treasure that will make our libraries complete ( and knowing that it's just another one in many more journeys to feel complete as we know we are one with our books. Just as we can tell our friends our life story, our books describe our story just as well. Don't believe me - take a walk through your collection, and see if it tells a story about you - and if it's not quite right, that just means another trip to the bookstore - happy hunting! I would love to have this collection described in the video - Barnes & Nobles ran a brief series called Book Obsessed (you can find it on the site or at itunes)

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